
Aviation Accidents: Cause and Effect

There's enough to worry about with the many potential dangers that run rampant on the ground. The idea of hazards in other capacities can be downright terrifying. This is often the case when individuals book flights and start preparing to go on an aircraft.You hear about...

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What Are the Responsibilities of the Airline to Keep Passengers Safe?

Imagine booking a flight on a specific airline because you trust them with your service and care. Now, imagine something going wrong and a disaster occurring. Unfortunately, this is something that happens far too often, and airlines have specific responsibilities to ensur...

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What Are the Responsibilities of the Pilot?

When someone makes a decision to be a pilot—whether for personal use, private company, or large airline—they are making the decision to protect their own life, and the lives of any other passengers who may be on their aircraft with them. As such, it’s imperative for t...

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Why Is Proper Maintenance On an Aircraft So Important?

In any situation—driving, flying, or even riding a bike—one of the easiest and most beneficial ways of keeping yourself and others safe is maintenance. Proper maintenance is the key to preventing unfortunate disaster. Unfortunately, not everyone recognizes just how im...

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What Is the Role of the FAA After an Aviation Accident?

Because of the complex nature of aviation accidents, one of the most important factors to consider following the airplane crash is evidence. There are so many potential causes that evidence can prove to be the most beneficial thing for you as either someone who suffered a...

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Famous Aviation Accidents

Over the years, there have been numerous airplane crashes—some of which have changed the industry completely. As part of today’s blog, we wanted to discuss some of the most famous aviation accidents and their causes and show how change arises from these devastating crashe...

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Who Is Responsible for Paying Out Compensation After an Aviation Accident?

While the idea of a plane crash is something nobody wants to consider, it can occur. However, in the aftermath, it’s important to understand who is responsible for the compensation owed to injured parties, or the families of those killed in the crash. There are differ...

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The Basics of an Aviation Accident Lawsuit

In a tragic situation such as an aviation accident, it is important to families to recognize the essential elements of an airplane crash lawsuit to understand what to expect. While you may know about the evidence you need, there are other factors of which you should be aw...

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How Is the Cause of an Aviation Accident Determined?

For anyone affected by a catastrophic aviation accident, the idea of legal action can be a daunting one. However, it’s important for the families of those lost to understand what options they have to hold someone or an entity accountable for the losses experienced. Th...

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